Did you hear that?

Do you like audiobooks? I used to listen them a lot when my kids were younger and we’d drive from our home in Florida to the mountains in Georgia to visit my parents in the Fall. We’d rent a cd at the Cracker Barrel near our house and then listen to it all the way up51-PGiMiVcL._SL150_.

So much fun! I also love listening to non-fiction books read by the authors. My favorite is Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. His personality comes through so strongly in the reading.

Several of my books are now available as audio books. I have to be honest and tell you its unnerving hearing someone else read my stuff. Especially The Wealthy Frenchman’s Proposition because the narrator does a French accent for Tristan, which of course, in my head he had, but hearing it read is interesting.

Here is a link to my titles in the Audible shop if you are interested in audio books.  I am giving away a copy of A COWBOY FOR CHRISTMAS from Audible.  Just tell me if you’ve tried audio books or not.  I’ll draw a winner on Monday!

Have a great weekend.51acXw9Ln6L._SL150_


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